We offer you.
Alquiler de guitarras
The quality in Lanzarote guitars is now within your reach in Playa Honda. Come and pick up the guitar you like the most and start enjoying it!
Clases de guitarra
Let the musician within you come out and join our guitar classes to become the musician you’ve always wanted to be. Don’t wait any longer!
Are you looking for an instrument? Are you seeking quality? If the answer to these questions is yes, look no further. In our store, you will find everything you need to feel the music.
Technical service
At Decibelios, we take pride in offering the best musical instrument repair and guitar adjustment services for all types! Whether you need to fix your guitar or a tune-up, we’ve got you covered. We ensure that your instrument sounds and feels like new, so you can play with the confidence that your instrument is in its best condition. Come to our location in Playa Honda and let us take care of your musical instrument!